Breaking Bread
Breaking Bread – To eat a meal, especially to eat a shared meal with friends!
There’s nothing like bread right out of the oven. A hot loaf of bread (smothered in butter) is a gift straight from heaven. Sharing it with a friend is even better. The Bible uses the expression “breaking of bread” in different ways. First, Acts 2:42-46 describes the early church breaking bread as part of their fellowship: “And they continued steadfastly in the apostles’ doctrine and fellowship, in the breaking of bread, and in prayers.” The early Christians came together regularly for common meals, which included the breaking of bread. Acts 2:44 refers to them having “everything in common,” and this no doubt included sharing meals together, each one receiving from the others what they needed. Verse 46 describes them breaking bread in their homes. We want you to feel every bit as welcome at HUMC. Come, share a meal with friends.
Serving one another most Wednesday nights, during the school year.
5:00pm – 6:00pm
2 and under FREE
3-9 $3.00, 10 and older $6.00, Family $18.00
Subject to update