DAY 1, Saturday, June xx
2375 East 3300 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84109
This year, Mission Road Trip is expected to cost $430. Here’s how you can save BIG $! Earn credits as follows:
Lowest Possible Cost for the trip will be $250* plus, at least one meal for 7 days
*If fundraising for the Guidebook, Chili & Soup, Soda Shop and Sub Madness is greater than $3000 we’ll lower the final cost by the overage divided by the number of participants. So, encourage everyone you know to come to the dinners and buy an ad or basket.
• Attend at least 30 of 48 Sunday mornings/Wednesday nights between January 3 & June 15
• Participate in 2 out of 4 fundraisers
• Non-members attending all year will be considered equally with HUMC members.
• Illness with a Dr’s note and emergencies are the only acceptable reasons allowed to miss any of the above and still earn a monetary discount credit.
• School activities may be excused but will not receive monetary discount credit.
• “Work” is not an excuse for absences – set your priorities and adjust your schedule.
• All missed dates considered for exception require an e-mail or text (provides proof) to Kris explaining the absence.
**If needed, those attending travel activities will be selected using the following:
– Inclusive: Plays well with others, team player, unselfish
6 points possible
– Effort: Are you trying to make it to all Youth stuff and are you trying to communicate when not.
6 points possible
– Responsibility: Can you be trusted? How likely are you to abide by the “rules”?
6 points possible
– Seniority by Grade/Age
6th=0, 7th=1 8th=2, 9th=3, 10th=4, 11th=5, 12th=6
– Number of past “like kind” trips
6 possible